Logic will get you from A to B,
imagination will take you everywhere.
(Albert Einstein)

Fields of activity

Elke Schrittesser accompanies organizations of various industries and sizes, from banks to NPOs, from publicly traded companies to start-ups. She develops people, teams and companies with enthusiasm and a systemic approach, always embracing the constant change of working environments.
  • Organizational development
    Change Management with focus on corporate culture, learning organization, self-organization, and agility as well as the development of an organization’s mission statement
  • Personnel development
    Personnel selection, design and implementation of management trainings and development programs
  •  Outplacement processes
    Training of layoff talks with managers as well as application and orientation workshops with employees
  •  Team development
    Support of agile development and project teams (Scrum) as well as facilitation of team building and team development processes
  •  Moderation
    of team and management workshops as well as facilitation of retreats on strategy, annual planning, cooperation, and project reflection
  • Lectures and seminars
    Topics: resilience, self-management, communication, creativity, and feedback culture
  • Coaching
    of managers, project leaders or founders on topics like new roles and tasks, personal development, personal strengths and potentials, work-life-balance, resilience, and decision making.

Customer and categories

  • Services and trade: Almdudler, BSH Hausgeräte, Certible, Grayling, Gregors, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Österreichische Post, Samsung, Treberspurg & Partner Architekten, Wohnspektrum
  • Industry: voestalpine, Endress + Hauser, Trans Austria Gasleitung
  •  Telekommunication and media: A1 Telekom Austria, emporia, ProSiebenSat.1Puls4
  • Financial services: Bank Austria, immigon, Österreichische Beamtenversicherung, Österreichische Nationalbank, Raiffeisen Bank International, Volksbank
  • Social and non-profit: Caritas, magdas, Neustart, Vienna Hobby Lobby
  • Public sector, politics and special interest groups: Arbeiterkammer NÖ und Steiermark, A3PS, Erzdiözese Wien, Grüner Club im Parlament, Mieterschutzverband
  • Healthcare: Landeskrankenhaus Lilienfeld, Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus
  • Education and research: AHS Wien West, CeMM, Kinderbüro Universität Wien, MedUni Innsbruck, Uni for Life, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Verein superar, Virtual Vehicle, ZPC Schule


Extended consultant profile

Born in Graz, Styria, studied Business Administration in Graz, Cologne und Nancy and gained an MBA specialized in innovation and creativity.

Several post graduate qualifications in organizational development in accordance with Syst© and Trigon, solution focused conflict management in organizations, consulting, coaching, Design Thinking und Scrum.

From 1996 to 2011 several management positions in Media and Telco. Lecturer on several Universities of applied sciences.

Since 2012 consultant, coach and trainer, in 2022 start of cooperation with Trigon Entwicklungsberatung and since 2024 partner of Trigon Entwicklungsberatung Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Vienna.

Elke lives with her family in Vienna. She likes cooking and loves the mountains, snow and the see.